Saturday, October 2, 2010

1 October 2010 - UniteTrade Review from a Guest Poster

Hi guys! Today's another busy day for me, as I'm preparing for the final call towards completing my blog. I'm really excited, and can't wait to share with you all the new blog!

I've been working (participating) actively with another fellow blogger whom I think provides a somewhat interesting overview of the HYIP industry. While I may not agree with everything he says (critical criticism breeds improvement!), I do think he has something unique to offer.

He recently wrote a review on UniteTrade, a short-/mid-term HYIP that has proven itself time and time again for the past 5 months. To say the least, I'm impressed.

Here's the link to the review, and if you like his review, please don't hesitate to leave your comments there!

In a few days, I'll be publishing my updated review of UniteTrade as well, along with some new programs that I've set sights on. Want to know more?

:) I know you do.

Take a look at these 2 programs, and let me know what you think because I've been eyeing them for a while now!

  1. SWProfits - Pays between 0.5% to 3% daily with principal already included in return
  2. TheVaults - Various plans ranging from 10% to 12% daily

  3. I'm so excited to begin my journey in the industry again! How about you? :)


    1. Same here Killz23 ;-))

      Good to see you back in action.


    2. Hi Vera! Nice to see you back here! Stay in touch! :))
