Wednesday, January 20, 2010

20 January 2010 - How To Beat HYIP and Other News

Hi guys! Today's another good day because all the programs that I'm currently monitoring are performing incredibly well, including some of the short-term ones. As such, I'm very pleased with myself that I have been able to introduce some of the good programs to you guys.

I've not seen any promising programs out there that's worth joining right now as they're either too old or I don't think they'll last long. Put simply, although you can see new programs sprouting out every now and then (especially since it's what I like to call HYIP January season), only a handful of them are even worth looking at. However, I'm sure you've noticed the change in trend right now -- a switch from short-term to long-term HYIPs. Investors are getting smarter nowadays, and everyone wants to make a quick buck and then move on to the next round. I personally don't have anything against that; in fact, I preach that to some of the newbies too!

But the question now is: will the same strategy used last year work as effectively today? Perhaps some of you have not noticed, but the HYIP industry is undergoing a major face lift as we speak. The economic downturn has tightened the wallets of many investors, and thus the cashflow is not as fluid as before. Right now, we need to have better strategies. Smarter planning. Stricter control of funds. And better management of risks. Therefore, I hereby offer some tips on how to beat HYIP.

Tip #1:

Choose Your Payment Processor Wisely
Some payment processors have undergone improvements on many fronts, especially when it comes to consumer and fund security. One such example is AlertPay. I believe most investors are familiar with this payment processor, which is perhaps the only payment processor that offers chargeback (you can dispute a transaction if a program doesn't pay you) and is widely used in the HYIP industry. Nonetheless, this is not a fool-proof avenue to beating HYIPs. The caveat in using AlertPay is that not every transaction will result in a successful reversal of the funds. Some admins have gotten so familiar with the way AlertPay functions that they can escape virtually under the nose of AlertPay's watchdogs. But, note that AlertPay is still much better than StrictPay or LibertyReserve, which offer no chargeback whatsoever. In my opinion, LR is the most insecure payment processor of all.

To learn how to sign up for AlertPay, you can check here: Guide to Signing Up

Tip #2:

Ask Members On Forums Before Investing
This tip has saved me numerous times from investing in potential scams because some of the senior members have inside information, or simply they have such vast experience in HYIPs, they know which programs will scam soon. People usually invest based on what they see -- if a program looks attractive with a lot of added features and beautiful design, they'll jump right on board, hoping to earn a first-cycle profit and then moving on. Little do they know that the program will not even last 1 cycle. Does this sound familiar to you? Perhaps you can even identify with this case study that I've mentioned? So start using those forums such as MoneyMakerGroup (which you can go to by clicking on the "Forum" tab on my top page, or you can click *here*). Members on the forums are usually pretty helpful, unless they're working together with the program admins to scam you =p I'm just kidding, LOL! But if you're unsure whom should you ask in the forums, you can drop me a comment on the ShoutBoxxxxx on the right hand sidebar of my blog, or you can give me a holler by emailing me.(Click on the "Email me" that's located on the left side bar.)

Tip #3

Research, research, research!
Some of you are aware of the tools review sites, such as myself, use to investigate about a program. Some of you are not. Therefore, use these tools to help you find out about a program, including the hosting server, how long it's registered for, who's the owner of the site and much more. Sometimes you can find certain details that might give away the admin's malicious intentions!

Here are some of the tools I've always used:

Tools to investigate:
Whois Domaintools (One of the best I use to find out about the site's hosting server and many
and many other details)

Whoishostingthis (You can type in a site and check out which website is hosting the HYIP
you're investigating)

Tip #4:

Check My Blog =p
Okay, this one is quite a joke to some of you, but I really do recommend checking back my blog, or even subscribe (click here to subscribe) to my blog because as you all know, I'm still a small time blogger compared to all the other "big-shot" bloggers like MNO, hence, I have time to surf around and chit-chat with members and admins to really know about them and what they think of the programs. I'll share with you what I really am doing behind all these writing: I've been in this industry for quite some time, and prior to this, I've always lost money no matter how much profit I made initially with a program. Why? Because I would start with a test spend, just like any other investor would, and then slowly observe the program. But as they keep paying me on time, I gain more confidence about a program, and I keep reinvesting all my profits PLUS principal in order to maximize my profit. BIG STUPID MISTAKE THERE! Thus, bye bye to all my money~~
After a while, I got to know some members online as they post on forums as well, and I got to know some program admins through my blog (I write reviews, remember? =p). Slowly, I got to know more about the HYIP industry, who runs the show, who's bad, who's good, who's not a scammer, who's a scammer and all those stuff. In fact, right now I can perhaps distinguish which ones are scammers just by looking who posts in the thread! Lol..But that's not exactly accurate at times. I'll keep observing so that I can make more accurate predictions in the future.

So there you go, 4 tips that are quite useful even for myself!

Tip 1: Choose Your Payment Processor Wisely
Tip 2: Ask Members Before Investing
Tip 3: Research, research, research!
Tip 4: (Optional) Check My Blog! (Subscribe here :D)

That's all for today folks!

Moving on to the daily news section...................

Other News:

InvestJoy has just launched the sister site that everyone's been anticipating! It's called InvestBro, and at first glance, the program looks promising, although I am not really enthusiastic about it. Look forward to my review in a few days' time, as I'll comment on a few things that are not satisfactory in my opinion. The admin sent out a newsletter today announcing the launch of the sister site, and explained that all the pendings have been paid. Reason for pending was because he was giving the site a final touch, and thus had to delay some of the payments. Here's the newsletter:
Hello members,

This newsletter would be sent on Friday but we have news, so I'm antecipating. Let's go with the news, first of all thank you very much for the Chinese support to InvestJoy, I was checking Alexa and China visitors have beated USA. Now China is the leader in the rank of visitats to InvestJoy website. It seems this country is definitely ruling the new order of global business.

In this moment InvestJoy has already 935 members. The program keeps growing at a reasonable rate, it's certainly a trend for the future once we have now a estabilished program with very interesting investment plans. I hope you all join the new program.

I have just launched InvestBro. It's offering 3 investment plans, Plan A: 115% after 10 days, Plan B: 140% after 20 days and Plan C: 180% after 30 days. There is a nice bonus available for the members that register and invest in the first 48 hours in InvestBro. Join the program, invest $500 and more, earn 10% bonus. Do not miss out this offer because bonuses like this will not be often in InvestBro. To join the program please follow this link:

Today withdrawals from InvestJoy were processed with some delay because I was busy working in InvestBro site, now it's launched so everything is back to normal. If you have doubts of questions about our programs please contact me in Live Support, Chatbox, Moneymakergroup or via email.

Werner Grube

GouldsInvest is progressing with such great momentum, and I doubt this one will be done anytime soon. The admin, Marco answered my chat in a few minutes' time regarding my pending payment, and WHAM! I see $10 in my account in an instant. Good Job Marco!!!

Infinitiva and Geniusfunds paid me today as usual!

WishInvest, a stupid scam site that I joined just for fun few days ago, scammed already! The site looked really cheap, and I am still questioning why I joined in the first place..Hmmm..I think I saw that site on another review site's monitoring list..Oh well, seems like I have much to learn :D

Underwatersurf is surfing the wave right now! Following the Wild Wednesday promotion, members have grown exponentially, and the admins, Captain Carlos Wink and Admiral Smalls have expressed their satisfaction and gratitude for the members' support. You can read the review *here* Please take note that Wild Wednesday will be held every Wednesday from now on :D Yeee haaa!!!

That's all for today guys! Thank you for reading, and please subscribe if you like today's content!

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