InvestJoy was officially launched yesterday, with the soft launch set on Sunday (GMT-8). At first, there were some script bugs that caused glitches when investors tried to invest via AlertPay. I'm unsure whether investors had any problems with other payment processors, but I invested via AP and the glitch happened to my deposit. InvestJoy's system would not register the deposit, so I had to send a support ticket to the admin for that issue to be resolved. And indeed, the issue was manually settled after about 12 hours, which wasn't bad at all considering how much work the admin was doing. The reason I say the admin's doing a lot of work is I started seeing InvestJoy's sticky threads on all the major forums, ie. MMG, TG and DreamTeamMoney. Although the two sticky threads on TG and DreamTeamMoney were started by the administrators of the respective forums, the other thread on MMG was started by a prominent blogger, Money-News-Online. It caught me by surprise considering how fast he got the news of the soft launch, and that he announced the admin purchased a banner on his site few weeks prior to launch gives something away about the admin -- (as I'm unsure whether this admin is a guy/gal, I'll just call him/her admin X)admin X has been observing the market for a while now, and is aware that December was probably not the best month to launch a program. And, by choosing Money-News-Online as one of the primary promotion campaign locations shows that admin X knows what he/she's doing. Therefore, I suspect this is one experienced admin pulling the strings.
Besides, the design of InvestJoy is very colorful and user-friendly. I like many aspects of the site, including, but not limited to, the added features that are not necessarily vital to the site's growth but are otherwise most welcomed, such as ChatBox (same software that I use on my blog), Live-Feedjit (same software that I use on my blog that keeps a log of my visitors' locations), security tips (not quite the most advanced viral-prevention tips out there, but are useful for computer-illiterates) etc.
Security-wise, InvestJoy is hosted on a dedicated server by Black Lotus, which is associated with Staminus, and I can steadfastly say that Staminus has been one of the most stable servers out there. This does not in any way guarantee that InvestJoy will not face any downtimes, but that possibility is highly unlikely. In fact, I regard most sites that employ the service of Staminus as professional and those programs, in most cases, turn out to be quite successful ones in the long run. By "successful", I don't mean that they last for months, or even years online. No..By "successful", I simply mean that the early birds who get in usually manage to come out with a thicker wallet than when they jumped in. Therefore, I would advise you guys who wish to invest to get in early if you want. But if you do not like this one, I'm sure there will be many out there that will suite your investment tastes.
Moving on to the payment plans, which is the most interesting aspect of any HYIP, InvestJoy does not stand out from the crowd in terms of variety. InvestJoy only offers 2 payment plans. Payment plan #1: Daily Plan - 5% daily for 30 days (50% net profit, with principal already included in the payment). Payment plan #2 (also the more lucrative one of the two): Expiry Plan - 150% after 15 days (50% net profit, with principal already included in the payment). Of the two, I personally invested in the expiry plan. As the daily plan takes a month to complete one full cycle, it would not be as profitable as the expiry plan. In fact, if you are considering the risks of expiry plan, it's not that much more riskier than daily plan actually. If this program collapses after 10 days, you would've probably gotten half of your investment back only. Of course, 50% of principal may be a lot for some of you guys, but if you wish to invest in HYIP, you have to be willing to take the risk. Usually I would recommend against investing in expiry plans, but for this particular case, I've weighed the pros and cons of the two plans, and decided that expiry plan is the one for me. You may beg to differ, so please choose whichever plan that matches your taste. I am merely suggesting and offering my opinion on this one, so you don't have to follow it if you disagree.
InvestJoy accepts most of the popular payment processors, such as AlertPay(AP), StrictPay(SP), SolidTrustPay(STP), LibertyReserve(LR) and PerfectMoney(PM). I would say that these five payment processors are most commonly used in the market right now, and the ability to accept all five payment processors is considered an advantage in my book. Although I know some argue that having all five PPs would be a heavy burden to the managing team (if there's a team at all), I think having flexibility will go a long way towards attracting more investors. And, as it's still a new program, I don't think we will be seeing any big investments just yet, therefore it'll be relatively easy for the team to manage. As we move along, I'll proceed to monitor whether the team can handle the heavy workload as more investors will definitely be attracted to this one.
For the referral hunters, InvestJoy offers attractive referral commissions as well. There are four levels of commissions offered:
Trial Member - No active deposits
Referral Commission: 1% (first level), 0% (second level)
Fortunate Member - starting from $5
Referral Commission: 3% (first level)
Joyous Member - starting from $5,000
Referral Commission: 3% (first level), EXTRA 2% (second level)
In conclusion, I think InvestJoy has a good chance to go the distance. Partly because I have a good feeling in this one (no thanks to the beautifully crafted web design! Lol), and in many parts due to the gut feeling that this one is managed by a team of experienced HYIP players, and January is definitely a good month for new HYIP programs to take off as investors start to come back from holidays and are ready for some adventurous investment voyage. Besides, InvestJoy offers flexibility in types of currency accepted, and the plans are, although not quite sustainable in the long run, highly attractive and I am now officially caught up in the allure of this program. So what are you waiting for?
Click here to join today!
Other news:
Infinitiva continues the strong performance, and I got paid instantly into both my LR and AP accounts.
CommonSenseInvest is starting to get better and better, and although the growth is not seeing some exponential spurts, I like it this way as the old proverb "slow and steady wins the race" is something I'd like to go by. There's a news update on the site that mentions about their outside sources of income. Here's the link to the news page: Linky
I have just joined a new program today called IdealInv, which offers 120% after 5 days, 150% after 10 days and 195% after 15 days. The admin has been actively participating in all the forums, and this one was just launched today. I like the admin's approach towards promoting the program. I will continue to monitor this one, and hopefully I'll get the admin to answer some interview questions in the next few days. So stay tuned for this one!
That's about it for today folks! See you tomorrow!!
Referral Commission: 1% (first level), 0% (second level)
Fortunate Member - starting from $5
Referral Commission: 3% (first level)
Joyous Member - starting from $5,000
Referral Commission: 3% (first level), EXTRA 2% (second level)
In conclusion, I think InvestJoy has a good chance to go the distance. Partly because I have a good feeling in this one (no thanks to the beautifully crafted web design! Lol), and in many parts due to the gut feeling that this one is managed by a team of experienced HYIP players, and January is definitely a good month for new HYIP programs to take off as investors start to come back from holidays and are ready for some adventurous investment voyage. Besides, InvestJoy offers flexibility in types of currency accepted, and the plans are, although not quite sustainable in the long run, highly attractive and I am now officially caught up in the allure of this program. So what are you waiting for?
Click here to join today!
Other news:
Infinitiva continues the strong performance, and I got paid instantly into both my LR and AP accounts.
CommonSenseInvest is starting to get better and better, and although the growth is not seeing some exponential spurts, I like it this way as the old proverb "slow and steady wins the race" is something I'd like to go by. There's a news update on the site that mentions about their outside sources of income. Here's the link to the news page: Linky
I have just joined a new program today called IdealInv, which offers 120% after 5 days, 150% after 10 days and 195% after 15 days. The admin has been actively participating in all the forums, and this one was just launched today. I like the admin's approach towards promoting the program. I will continue to monitor this one, and hopefully I'll get the admin to answer some interview questions in the next few days. So stay tuned for this one!
Check out my new monitoring page, and give some comments! Monitoring page
That's about it for today folks! See you tomorrow!!
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