Here are some very important points to take note of.
***The official signup window is open now! You can signup right away! Be sure to prepare: $27 in Alertpay for basic membership, and another $10 to give your membership a huge boost! ***
1) If you referred anyone during prelaunch then I highly suggest you try and stay up and get signed up immediately at midnight but at the very latest by noon Tuesday or else you run the risk of losing your people if they arent willing to wait. I will already be signed up and in the system so there wont be any delay. The reason you need to get signed up asap is that your downline wont be able to signup until you do.
2) If you are signing up and you get an error that your sponsor hasn’t yet signed up then you will have to wait until noon CST to see if they get signed up. If they haven’t by noon then you have the option to signup and have the system pick a new sponsor at random for you provided your sponsor still isn’t enrolled. You still have the option to contact your sponsor and tell them to get their butt in gear if you wish.
3) Prelaunch signups will be from midnight Monday/Tuesday to midnight Tuesday/Wednesday so a full 24 hours. The system will walk you through everything so please watch the video so you are familiar with the process. Its very simple once you understand how it will work.
4) During the 24 hour prelaunch signup period no one will be able to promote because only prelaunch people will be able to signup. After midnight Tuesday night then the promotion can begin.
*****Very important*****
There is no such thing as a free member in ListZilla. Because of that you will need to have 27$ in AP ready to go upon signup. Tai has informed me that he is still waiting on Alertpay to enable credit cards for him and that he will work on it more monday to make sure it is enabled.
I’m going to let you in on a secret. Have an additional 10$ in your processor ready to go. Trust me on this guys.
So just to recap - go to THIS LINK immediately to join!
If anyone has any questions just send an email to me via my blog's Email Me link and I will get them answered for you. Please make sure you have watched the video FIRST before emailing me.
If someone would be so kind as to post this information in the various forums I would appreciate it. That way there is no confusion come signup day. Remove my link though first please.
I’m really looking forward to this one guys and I know many of you are also.
The entire program is explained in this video.
Let’s make some money!
Well, I've taken the liberty of getting the video from Youtube and embed it right here! Enjoy the video, and take action right away! Guys, you really don't want to miss out on this..I, and Austin from Extremesurfs, will guide you along the way..You'll definitely be enjoying this, and make money while you're at it!
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