Sunday, December 27, 2009

27 December 2009 - Daily Updates

Hi guys! Sorry, today i've been very busy, so I didn't really prepare much of a review or interview today. Nonetheless, I've some great news for you guys!

CommonSenseInvest, the low roi I reviewed yesterday, is offering a special promotion for my readers. And this is an exclusive offer only, only you guys who sign up under me will get this offer.

As I mentioned in my review, there are only 3 plans available. Now as I've talked to the admin, he agreed to start a new plan that's exclusively for safemoneyinvest readers. It'll be called Killz23 Plan, and only you guys who sign up under me will get this special plan. You will get these benefits:

1) Higher Deposit Bonus
2)Better Daily Payouts (higher profit)

And as a special promotion from me, if you deposit $100, I'll give you 10% Cashback, instead of the regular 5% commission they pay me. Now this offer is only good for first 10 who deposit $100 or more.

I'll pay 100% RCB for anyone who signs up and makes a deposit of under $100. This is only good for 1st deposit. Following deposits I will pay 90% RCB.

I have not discussed the specifics with the admin, but if you sign up under me right now, I'll keep you updated on the details.

Here's the link to sign up (Click on the banner to sign up):


CashItsInstant has some problems with cashflow right now, as can be seen from their stats on the page. I would not recommend throwing in your money right now, as it's just too dangerous. Some people are still getting paid as we speak, but obviously those are selective payouts and I haven't received my payouts for today. Please be aware, and this is the latest newsletter from them:

Ok its time for you to decide the outcome of this site are you going to support it or have you decided let MMG win? I am not about to give up unless you members force me to by a lack of support. You are the final decision makers and at this point I think you all should have sent MMG a email telling them they had no right moving the thread as we are open and paying.
I going keep trying and here it is today you either show your support for instant payouts or not. Spend today and get 15% instant rebate use liberty reserve and get 25% instant rebate.
XagaEnterprise, which had been down for the whole day yesterday, is now back up again. And the admin, Kevin sent out a newsletter clarifying what happened. The payouts are being processed as usual, and no need to worry guys! Here's the newsletter:

Dear safemoneyinv,
Apologize for being offline for 1 day. Xaga had hosting problem and was being moved to new powerful server.
If you still can't access the domain, please use this ip :
Once again, sorry for making you panic. Apologize me.

PacForAll, as expected, closed down yesterday after a very slow start. Only the people who got in in the first cycle made profit. The admin, El explained the issues of hit-n-runners, and the lack of support from the members simply brought in this inevitable collapse. Here's the newsletter:

Hi Everyone,
We hope you had a truly lovely Christmas with your families.
Regretfully Christmas was not good for business with our Programs. Almost all the members who joined with us again were like-minded in their strategy, get in and get out. so they were no redeposits and because the bulk of the big deposits were on day one, the programs went into a Cashflow problem immediately. The games were a complete non-starter.
We honestly thought there was enough goodwill amongst you to make this work but obviously we were wrong. So we will wind down the Programs. Everyone will be refunded their principals. However because most of the big deposits have been paid 138% - we can only pay about 70% to the rest of you.We will do this on Monday.
To those of you who still trusted us amid all the negativity please accept our humble apologies, we failed again.
This was our last attempt at setting things right and we now have to put matters at rest. There will be no more programs from us and no more talk of refunds. We'll stress now as we have done before that, we ran the programs in a fair, honest ethical way. The PPs , if they would, would testify to that . Almost as many of you made money with our Programs as those who lost. We have given our all to the Programs and regret that it has come to this but we truly hope we left some of our members if not all with something. Me2E will come through in the following months. WNP and TVIE are both great, working programs. Put in some effort and you will reap the rewards.
We know there are many of you who are realistic about how all this works and you are more welcome to keep in touch with us.
May 2010 be YOUR year, each and everyone of you. May you all succeed in realising all your goals, Financial and otherwise.

EL and the PAC Team.
That's all the news for today, and I hope to bring you the latest news from the industry tomorrow! Have fun guys!

And the program featured on my blog today is..................................GeniusFunds!!!!!!

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